There is no enough space for both of us in this room!

No no no! It’s not indeed!

But no one listens!

This book is about two brothers in a family who share the same bedroom. We know this familiar complaint of most siblings in their adolescence. The subject matter of this book focuses on some children with special needs.

This book was illustrated by me and published by Tuti publishing house in 2020. This book was selected for some illustration festivals  such as  the Tallinn biennial of illustrations in 2020 and winner the first award in the Brightness illustration award 2020. 

It was also selected in the list of Lakposhtparande with four out of six signs IN 2020.


Writer:  Babak Saberi

Illustrator : Mahsa Hedayati

Client: Tuti 

language: Persian

Release date: 2020

Age group: 5-8


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